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Why become a sister school ?

In an increasingly interconnected world, fostering international educational partnerships is essential for enriching student experiences and promoting cultural understanding. This project outlines the creation of a sister school relationship between schools abroad and educational institutions in Macau.
By facilitating student exchanges and/or collaborative projects, we aim to enhance the learning environments for students in both regions. Together with the English for Specific Purposes Development and Promotion Association of Macau, an NGO duly incorporated locally, we are here to bring a difference in today’s education. Please contact us for more information regarding this project.
Considering Macau’s unique geographical location and cultural background, this initiative is particularly significant. As a city where Eastern and Western cultures converge, Macau boasts a rich history and a multicultural atmosphere, providing students with a unique learning environment. By establishing sister school relationships with international schools, students in Macau will have the opportunity to experience different educational systems and cultural backgrounds, thereby broadening their horizons and enhancing their international competitiveness.
Furthermore, educational institutions in Macau will benefit from this collaborative project. Teachers and educators can learn advanced educational concepts and teaching methods from abroad through exchanges and cooperation, thereby improving their own teaching standards and professional skills. This not only helps to enhance the quality of education in Macau but also cultivates more talents with international perspectives and cross-cultural communication abilities.
In summary, through this project, we hope to build a bridge between Macau and the international education community, promoting exchange and cooperation, and jointly advancing the development of education. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information about this project.

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.


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